Prep Book Drive

January 20, 2021


Ellie     Halpert

CEO / Founder

Lauren Rubovitz

CFO / Founder

One of the resources we really wanted to provide to students when we started this was college prep books. We felt like this was a small object that could improve students' understanding of the subjects at hand. In addition, we knew that a lot of our friends never even write in theirs! They just look at them once or twice before the AP exam and throw them away. 

For this reason, we are having an end-of-year prep book drive!

Beginning February 28th, we're collecting gently-used or new college preparation books! These could be AP course books, SAT books, ACT books, or novels from your high school literature classes. Once we collect all of the books, which we hope to accomplish by early June of this year, we will decide which of our considered locations to send them to! 

Our goal is 500 prep books, and if you want to help us reach it, email us at or donate to one of our school donation bins or drop-off opportunities.

To keep up with our progress, check our Impact Page. For more information on how to donate, check out our Donate Page. 

Thank you for supporting Envision Tomorrow!